
Saturday, 24 November 2012

Sherbet Fizz

And here is another Kitchen Chemistry experiment that Room 2 conducted on Friday:

Last time we made raisins dance. This time we made sherbet fizz and it was exciting trying out all the different ingredients. The final mix was deliciously sweet - a unanimous consensus!!!

Take a look for yourselves:

All the ingredients and utensils needed for the experiment:

All ready to go:

Let's go outside where we can make a mess:

Tasting all the different ingredients - baking soda, icing sugar, cordial powder and tartaric acid:

Mix it all up and what do you get?

Yummy, sweet and fizzy sherbet - delicious!

Hi there!

It's about time we updated the blog with some more photos.
Room 2 have been working hard on their singing as we have been rehearsing Christmas songs for parents to come and hear at the Junior Whānau Celebration of Learning on Thursday 6th December from 4pm until 5.50pm. It will be lots of fun and a chance for parents to see what we have been up to over the last term. Invites will be out soon!
Look at all the singing going on:

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Kitchen Chemistry:

Dancing Raisins

On Friday, Room 2 got stuck into Kitchen Chemistry and worked some magic with vinegar, baking soda, water and raisins. The results were very exciting! The bubbles created made the raisins move up and down like they were dancing around. See below:

We are going to check it on Monday to see if the raisins are still dancing. What do you predict?