
Friday, 26 October 2012

Fun Friday!

It is the end of Week 2 and everyone in Room 2 has been working hard so we thought we'd have a bit of a Fun Friday afternoon. We have been reading and writing about blowing bubbles all week so we took the chance to blow our own bubbles in the school playground which was lots of fun but not that easy! There was also time to play inside with the bricks and the train set and get gooey with the play dough. There was a lot of co-operative play which shows how all of the children in Room 2 are using their Getting Along key and following Room 2's Class Contract. Ka pai!

Building a tower:

Making a birthday cake for a 'secret' birthday:

Working together on the train track:

Building a bridge:

Lots of bubble blowing below. Dip the wand in the bubble mixture and blow!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Hi everyone!

We have been working hard this week on creating our fabulous calendar art. I think you will agree that Room 2 have done a great job and the calendars would make great Christmas presents! Order forms will be handed out on Monday.
Here they are:
















Well done everyone!!!

Monday, 15 October 2012


We had a wonderful day today in Room 2 and everyone has settled in really well. 
Have a look at some of the things we did today...


The train set proved very popular...

Playing the duck game...

Making crowns...

Colouring in bubble names...

Mrs Reid's pointy finger likes to pick out those children doing their Super School Sitting...

 Good tidying up!

Counting on the hundreds board...

The whole of Room 2 together having a read...

What a fun day!